Changelog ========= * :release:`0.24.1 <06-07-2020>` * :release:`0.24.0 <29-06-2020>` * :release:`0.23.1 <12-03-2020>` * :bug:`139` Use POSTRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD for postres configuration * :release:`0.23.0 <09-02-2020>` * :bug:`- major` Fix Werkzeug's ProxyFix import * :feature:`122` Adding docker compose override files to ``cob docker deploy --compose-override`` * :release:`0.22.0 <04-09-2019>` * :feautre:`121` Improve environment/config customization * :feature:`116` Update PyAML version * :feature:`-` Added automation documentaion for commands * :release:`0.21.4 <10-02-2019>` * :bug:`-` Pin tmuxp version to < 2.0 * :bug:`-` Pin click version to < 8 * :release:`0.21.3 <13-12-2018>` * :bug:`-` Use yaspin instead of halo * :release:`0.21.2 <06-12-2018>` * :bug:`-` Properly handle pypi index url environment variables * :release:`0.21.1 <31-10-2018>` * :feature:`-` Added ``-H`` parameter to ``cob testserver``, specifying the address to bind * :release:`0.20.0 <08-10-2018>` * :feature:`105` Allow configuring node versions being used during docker image building * :release:`0.19.8 <09-08-2018>` * :bug:`-`: Avoid setting up database if project doesn't have models * :bug:`104` Clean up containers on docker test end * :release:`0.19.7 <02-08-2018>` * :bug:`-` Added ``--no-cache`` option to ``cob docker test`` to support usage in CIs * :release:`0.19.6 <01-08-2018>` * :bug:`-` Avoid running ``rsync`` in ``cob docker test`` if an image is built during the process * :release:`0.19.5 <01-08-2018>` * :bug:`-` Fix pylint errors * :release:`0.19.4 <01-08-2018>` * :bug:`101` Run migrations on cob docker test * :release:`0.19.3 <26-08-2018>` * :bug:`-` Add IPython as a dependency * :release:`0.19.2 <18-08-2018>` * :bug:`-` Pin pylint dependency * :release:`0.19.1 <18-07-2018>` * :bug:`-` Added debug log output to ``cob testserver`` * :release:`0.19.0 <15-07-2018>` * :feature:`97` Added ``cob shell`` command, allowing users to interactively access their modules and code through IPython or the builtin Python interpreter shell * :feature:`94` Added ``cob docker tag-latest`` to tag the recent image as latest, and ``cob docker push`` to push the latest image * :bug:`96 major` Pin Celery dependency to 4.1.x because of 4.2.x regression * :feature:`92` Use journald logging driver when available during docker execution * :feature:`88` Add option to specify more compose file to ``cob docker run-image`` * :feature:`89` Add ``--force`` to ``cob docker deploy`` to force overwriting unit files * :feature:`90` Add ``docker.exposed_ports`` configuration for controlling exposed ports in deployment * :release:`0.18.5 <09-07-2018>` * :bug:`-` Fix error formatting when docker could not be located * :bug:`90` Add ``docker.exposed_ports`` configuration * :bug:`88` Support additional docker-compose files in ``docker run-image`` with ``-o`` * :release:`0.18.4 <05-07-2018>` * :bug:`-` Add logging to syslog by default * :bug:`89` Add --force to cob docker deploy * :release:`0.18.3 <28-06-2018>` * :bug:`87` Add "cob version" command * :bug:`-` Fix escaping of image names * :release:`0.18.2 <28-06-2018>` * :bug:`-` Fix escaping of image names when using ``cob docker deploy`` * :bug:`-` Pin PyYaml to 3.x * :bug:`85` Cob now supports symlinks for /etc/cob/conf.d/PROJNAME * :bug:`84` Cob now mounts /etc/localtime inside containers to enforce correct time zone * :release:`0.18.1 <27-06-2018>` * :bug:`83` Add ``docker.image_name`` project configuration * :bug:`-` Change default build image to Python3.6-jessie * :bug:`85` * cob docker test now uses :dev image name by default * :bug:`85` * Use port 80 in cob docker deploy * :bug:`85` * Support \`cob docker deploy\` command (closes #51) * :bug:`85` * Changelog * :bug:`85` Cob now supports symlinks for /etc/cob/conf.d/PROJNAME * :bug:`84` Cob now mounts /etc/localtime inside containers to enforce correct time zone * :release:`0.18.0 <25-06-2018>` * :feature:`51` Support `cob docker deploy` command to conveniently deploy dockerized cob projects on systemd * :feature:`82` Added `cob docker run-image` to run a prebuilt cob image without requiring dependencies * :feature:`77` Cob now required Python 3.6 * :feature:`50` ``cob docker test`` can now be used to run your tests inside a working docker-compose setup * :feature:`76` Support ``celery.additional_args`` to control additional worker arguments through configuration * :feature:`66` Support the ``--image-name`` parameter in ``cob docker run`` to override the image used * :feature:`67` Support redis * :release:`0.17.0 <05-03-2018>` * :feature:`-` Allow passing celery configuration in project yaml * :release:`0.16.0 <25-2-2018>` * :feature:`21` Cob now uses multi-stage docker building to reduce image size and speed up the build process * :release:`0.15.0 <19-2-2018>` * :feature:`59` Front-end ember grains now run npm install * :feature:`47` Cob now handles cases where docker requires sudo more elegantly * :feature:`-` Many small fixes and improvements * :release:`0.14.0 <19-10-2017>` * :feature:`43` Add option to pass arbitrary arguments to celery start-worker * :feature:`40` Added ability to make background tasks run in app context * :feature:`44` Allow specifying cob version to use via `COB_VERSION` environment variable * :feature:`42` Cob now supports specifying the pypi index URL to use via `COB_INDEX_URL` * :release:`0.0.1 <16-11-2016>` * :feature:`-` First operational release