Using Migrations

Cob makes it easy for you to create migrations for your data, and will help you to execute them during deployment and testing, as we will see later on.

Cob uses Alembic for database migration management - for more information please refer to Alembic’s docs.

Initializing the Migrations Directory

You will first need to create your migrations directory (this is a one-time operation)

$ cob migrate init

This will create a migrations directory, and within it versions, which will contain your migration scripts.

Create a Revision

$ cob migrate revision -m "My revision name"

This will compare the needed changes to bring your DB up-to-date. Please make sure to run it with a database that is already migrated to the latest revision.


Migrating up and down the revision tree is done via migrate up and migrate down:

$ cob migrate up
$ cob migrate down